Religion has shaped human civilization for thousands of years. While many around the world are not affiliated with a particular faith, over 84% of the global population identifies with a religious group. The major world religions hold a diverse set of beliefs, traditions and practices. Understanding the core tenets of different faiths can foster greater interfaith dialogue and cooperation. In this article, we will explore how the major world religions differ in their views on concepts like God, the afterlife, salvation, and the meaning of life.

There Are Many Conceptions of God and Reality
One fundamental difference between religions is how they view God (or gods) and their relationship to the universe. Atheists do not believe in any god or supernatural forces. Some atheists firmly reject god’s existence, while others simply lack a belief either way. Buddhism does not posit belief in a creator god, but does embrace spiritual practices to end suffering. Deists believe god created the universe but does not intervene in earthly affairs.
Polytheistic faiths like certain pagan religions and Hinduism embrace multiple gods and goddesses representing different aspects of nature and human life. In Hinduism, the myriad deities are seen as different manifestations of one ultimate reality known as Brahman.
Meanwhile, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam preach belief in one single supreme God over all. However, they differ in their conception of God. Sikhism sees God as unknowable mystery beyond full comprehension. Judaism envisions an eternal but non-corporeal God who established a special covenant with the Jewish people.
Islam views God (Allah) as an absolute, indivisible unity completely separate from creation. In Christianity, God is conceptualized as a trinitarian godhead – the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit as distinct persons united in one being. This allows for belief in a personal, loving God who transcended the divide between the divine and human in the incarnation of Jesus.
Different Religions Offer Different Paths to Salvation
Most religions offer some path to individual salvation, liberation or paradise as a reward for practicing that faith. In Buddhism, salvation is achieved by eliminating all worldly desires and breaking the cycle of suffering through practices like meditation, ethics and wisdom. Hinduism provides a path to salvation (moksha) from rebirth by removing ignorance and recognizing one’s eternal unity with Brahman through devotion, meditation, righteous conduct, and purification rituals.
Sikhism emphasizes salvation through disciplined meditation and virtuous living while selflessly serving others. In pagan religions, one seeks salvation by pleasing and honoring the gods through offerings, rituals and moral living. Deism does not posit a clear afterlife or path to salvation since God is not involved in human affairs.
In Islam, salvation comes through submitting to the will of Allah and sincerely following the Five Pillars of observance, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. Judaism focuses more on salvation of the Jewish community and right behavior in this life than individual salvation in an afterlife. In Christianity, salvation from sin and death is not earned but graciously imparted by God to those who have faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Views on the Afterlife Vary Between and Within Faiths
Concepts of the afterlife are very diverse among different world religions and even denominations within the same faith. Atheists and deists typically believe our existence ends at death with no afterlife. Nirvana in Buddhism is not described as a heavenly paradise but the ultimate state of release from worldly suffering and the cycle of rebirth.
Hinduism, on the other hand, envisions a karmic cycle of reincarnation where the type of rebirth depends on one’s ethical conduct and spiritual wisdom accrued over many lifetimes. The end goal is release from the rebirth cycle to merge with eternal Brahman. Traditional Judaism focuses on actions and ethics in this lifetime more than speculating about any afterlife.
Islam portrays a vivid afterlife with two possible eternal fates – paradise for the righteous and hell for the wicked. The Christian afterlife is typically depicted as an eternal existence in either heaven with God for believers or hell for nonbelievers, though conceptions vary among denominations. Pagans varied on views of the afterlife, with some believing in ancestor worship and others in an underworld for all souls.
Different Religions Give Different Meanings To Life
One major difference between belief systems is what ultimate purpose they assign human existence and how people should therefore live. For atheists, there is no external meaning of life – we simply live life on our own terms and find subjective meaning in relationships, accomplishments, joys and values.
Nontheistic Buddhism seeks to end human suffering by eliminating attachment and destructive cravings through moral discipline, meditation and wisdom. Deism sees no divine purpose, but reason enables people to derive ethical principles to live moral lives. Polytheistic pagan religions find meaning by honoring the gods in thought, ritual and action to garner their blessings.
In Hinduism, the goal is realizing one’s identity with Brahman, ending the rebirth cycle and undoing bad karma through selfless love and duty. Sikhism finds meaning in undoing ego and serving God through selfless devotion to service, prayer, work, charity and more. Judaism assigns Jews the mission of fulfilling God’s covenant by modeling righteousness and bringing justice to the world.
For Muslims, the purpose is loving submission to Allah’s will and finding peace through observance, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage and community participation. Christianity sees life’s meaning in loving God above all else and modeling Jesus’ sacrifice and compassion for others.
This brief tour illustrates the tremendous diversity of belief between faith systems around concepts like God, salvation, the afterlife and the meaning of human existence. While the world’s religions differ profoundly in their answers life’s ultimate questions, they share common virtues of compassion, justice and selfless service. Understanding different faith perspectives can help unite people of all religions toward a more just, peaceful world for all.